Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Automatically Captured Information. We automatically collect information sent to us by your operating device when you use the Mobile-Game-Reviews Services. The information sent to us may include your IP address, data about the pages you access, mobile network information, search history, and a time-stamp. Through the content of our undeleted cookies, we may also collect information regarding the devices connected to your computer, software installed upon, and referring website addresses.

Other Technologies: We may also collect and store information through our use of cookies and web beacons to help provide you with a better and safer experience with our Mobile-Game-Reviews Services. Web beacons are small graphic images that may be embedded in images on our site to customize the services we offer to our users.

Information Collected By Third-Parties And Behavioral Advertising

On the Mobile-Game-Reviews Services: We may also obtain information about you from third parties such as our authorized service providers, advertising companies, and Mobile-Game-Reviews affiliates. In order to gather information about users who interact with their advertisements, these companies may use cookies to monitor clicks.

On Third Party Sites, Services, And Applications. The Mobile-Game-Reviews family of companies correspond with advertisers, data management platform, and ad networks to customize online behavioral advertisements that are created to target users' interests. In order to deliver these advertisements, these third parties may and/or we may disclose to these third parties an identification number to be associated with your device's platform.

How We Use the Personal Information We Collect

Our primary goal in collecting personal information is to provide you with a safe and customized user experience. We may use your personal information to: Provide the products and services that you requested; Deliver Mobile-Game-Reviews Services and customer support; Perform target marketing and advertising that is tailored to your interests; Manage and protect our business, which includes the quality of the Mobile-Game-Reviews Services and system; Contact you by postal mail, e-mail, or telephone in order to explain our recent products and services.; and Resolve complaints, abuse, or other allegations;